Gold Mine Gum - 24ct

Gold Mine Gum - 24ct
  • $52.99

Price per pack: $2.21

Product Details

Gold Mine Gum is a classic treat that takes you back to the good ole days in the old-fashioned general stores. This is the type of gum that they sold way back when, and many people still enjoy it to this day. If you want to bring back those days, then you will definitely want to stock up on Gold Mine Gum. It comes in a cloth bag that looks like a money bag from back in the days of the Wild West.

Inside this bag, you will find bubblegum nuggets that are specifically made to be yellow to look just like real pieces of gold! The display box is cute too, so it makes a good addition to your vintage candy selection. This box has 24 individual bags! Most people really love candy that has been brought back, because it takes them back to years when they were younger.

SKU: K336100

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